Our Nonprofit Clients

We match great people to meaningful work that helps achieve your vision.


St. Vincent de Paul Society of San Francisco – Director of Development



Ashkenaz – Executive Director

Aspire Education – Executive Director

Beyond Differences – Director of Fundraising and External Affairs, Beyond Differences-Director of National Youth Programs, Director of National Programs

Boys & Girls Clubs of San Francisco – Vice President Legal Affairs, Vice President Development, Chief Operating Officer, Clubhouse Directors, Marketing Director, and Director of Development

Bread & Roses Presents – Executive Director

Bridge the Gap College Prep – VP Legal Affairs, Director of Finance and Administration, Director of Education Scholars, Director of High School Services, Director of Development and Communications, Volunteer Manager, Director of Intervention, K-8 Scholars Director, several teacher roles

CAFILM – Director of Finance & Administration

California Youth Symphony – Executive Director

Cameron House – CEO, Director of Development, Fundraising Consultant

Canal Alliance – Youth Education Manager

Casa Allegra – Executive Director

Challenged Athletes Foundation – Northern California Director of Development

Community Housing Partnership (CHP is now HomeRise) – CEO, Director of Human Resources, Human Resources Manager, Real Estate Managers-2 (promoted in the first year)

Eden I&R – Director of Finance, Director of Programs, Director of Administration, Transportation Program Manager, Interim Executive Director, Development and Outreach Associate

Edgewood Center for Children and Families – CFO

Elizabeth F. Gamble Garden – Executive Director

First 5 Marin – Executive Director

HomeRiseSF – CFO, Director of Human Resources

Hyde Street Community Services – CEO

Integrated Community Services (ICS) – Director of Development

Lifehouse Agency – VP/COO, CFO, QDIP Administrator

Marin Art & Garden Center – Executive Director

Marin Center for Independent Living – Director of Development

Milestones of Development – Executive Director

Museum of American Indian – Executive Director

North Bay Aquatics – Head Coach

Pacific Vision Foundation – Director of Development, Fundraising Consultant

Pajaro Valley Prevention and Student Assistance – CEO

Pets Lifeline – Chief Executive Officer

Pogo Park – Director of Development

Point Blue Conservation Science – Chief Development Officer, Accounting Manager, Grants Accountant, Accountant Consultant

Professional BusinessWomen of California – Programming Director

San Francisco Pretrial Diversion Project – Chief Program Officer, Director of Finance, Director of Human Resources, Payroll Manager

San Francisco Safehouse – Executive Director, Program Manager, Residential Program Manager, Finance, Development Manager, Chief Development Officer 

SHE-CAN – Chief Operating Office, Program Director, Director of Development

St. Vincent de Paul Society – Executive Director

Tenderloin Neighborhood Development Corp (TNDC) – Youth Supervisor, Director of Development, Director of Youth

TLC Child & Family Services – CFO

VELOZ – Director of Communications, Communications and Marketing Manager

We Care Solar – Director of Development

West Marin Fund – Executive Director

WildCare – Executive Director

Women’s Recovery Services – Executive Director, Interim Executive Director

Stacy Nelson and Associates executive search firm - all nonprofit clients

Let us help you find the right talent.

We look for the right person that is an ideal match to help achieve your mission. Our clients are diverse in size and organizations. Stacy Nelson & Associates specializes in nonprofit sectors including but not limited to healthcare, education, supportive housing, social justice, youth development and environment.