Our team has led numerous C-suite and D-suite executive searches for over 20 years for growing organizations of $3.5 million to $40 million nonprofits. Identifying people who have the skills, experience and are the cultural fit our clients require is fundamental to our success. Our candidates must be, at their core, committed to the mission and provide value to the organization. Let us help scale your organization with leaders who can get you there.
Stacy Nelson & Associates have been in Transition Consulting and Executive Search collectively
Our CEO placement’s average longevity
Executive and C-Suite searches on average per year
our placements for one year (only 2.5% of search firms offer this.)
48% diversity candidate placement; created partnership with Diversity Consultant; new techniques for providing nonbias on reference checking and interviewing
98% referral rate of clientele
90% first search leads to additional searches with clients throughout their organization
We get multiple openings usually at a time with a client and help them scale their organization.
Based on 2020 Client Satisfaction Survey.
We look for the right person that is an ideal match to help achieve your mission. Our clients are diverse in size and organizations. Stacy Nelson & Associates specializes in nonprofit sectors including but not limited to healthcare, education, supportive housing, social justice, youth development and environment.