Career Opportunities

We match great people to meaningful work that helps achieve your vision.


Senior Vice President | Special Olympics Northern California

Special Olympics Northern California’s (“SONC”) mission is to create an inclusive community where people with and without disabilities can make connections, develop healthy lifestyles, achieve success, and experience the joy of sports. Through the contributions and leadership of people with and without intellectual disabilities, Special Olympics Northern California is fostering inclusive communities for all to live active, healthy, and fulfilling lives through the power of sports.

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California Health Collaborative logo - CEO Job Announcement

Chief Executive Officer | California Health Collaborative

The California Health Collaborative (Collaborative) a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization is seeking a new chief executive officer (CEO). The Collaborative is committed to enhancing the quality of life and health of the people of California, particularly the underserved and underrepresented. Founded in 1982, the Collaborative has multiple offices throughout California, including Fresno, Hanford, Visalia, Chico, San Bernardino, and Sacramento, serving residents throughout the state. The Collaborative implements community-based health promotion and disease prevention programs, including public health surveillance systems and various capacity-building and networking activities.

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We look for the right person that is an ideal match to help achieve your mission. Our clients are diverse in size and organizations. Stacy Nelson & Associates specializes in nonprofit sectors including but not limited to healthcare, education, supportive housing, social justice, youth development and environment.